Sonic Meditation

Vibrate | Resonate | Align

This class is consciously curated to provide you with unique and transformative experiences of sacred sound and deep heartfelt conversations with your self. 

Expect creative and varied meditations that open up the body as a resonate instrument. Each class includes a sound bath in the divine vibrations of alchemy crystal bowls. Time will be provided for journaling. 

Bring your mat, a water bottler + your journal/pen. Studio props will be available. 

Channeling 101

Align | Connect | Receive

Everyone can channel. Even YOU!

This session is a guided experience of channeling: both instructions + support. 

Cultivate your connection to Source energies. Connect with likeminded people. 

No experience is necessary. 

Bring your yoga mat,  journal/pen + a water bottle. 

Intuitive Eating Group

Healthy | Happy | Whole

This session will offer conversations + practices of Intuitive Eating. 

Learn intuitive eating principles, mindfulness activities and somatic practices to support you in developing a deeper connection with your body and your relationship with food. 

Through guided meditations, gentle movement and reflective exercises, you'll cultivate the skills to listen to your body's signals, honor your hunger and fullness cues and bring a sense of calm and presence to your meals. 

Whether you're seeking to transofrm your eating habits, reduce stress around food or simply enhance your overall well-being, this class will offer practical tools to help you. 

All are welcome.