Studio 108: Seekers + Sages

February 2022

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Meditation for the Projection + Protection of the Heart

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan in February 1975, this meditation gives you an enchanting, magnetic personality with many unexpected friends.

The Mangala Charn Mantra surrounds the electromagnetic field with protective light.

POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose with a light jaw lock/jalandhar bandh. Straighten the spine to sit up tall.

MUDRA: Place the palms together at the Heart Center in Prayer Pose. The thumbs are crossed.

EYES: Keep the eyes closed.

BREATH: Breathe adjusts naturally.

MANTRA: Chant the mantra aloud.

As you chant the first line of the mantra extend the prayer hands out and up at 60 degrees. As you chant the second line of the mantra, return your hands to heart center. As you chant the third line of the mantra extend your hands again. And as you chant the final line of the mantra, return your hands to heart center. Move your hands in a slow and steady manner aligning to the mantra. Project the mind out as you chant. Extend the arms fully as timed to the chant.

The Mangala Charn Mantra:

Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siree Guru Dayvay Nameh

I bow to the Infinite Wisdom. I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages, I bow to the True Wisdom, I bow to the Great, Unseen Wisdom

In Gurmukhi - the language of Kundalini Yoga - the ‘r’ is pronounced as ‘d’. Almost always.

Practice this meditation for 11 minutes each day. You can work up to 31 minutes if you’d like.

TO END: Inhale and hold the breath for a few seconds. Exhale and relax

MUSIC: Aad Guray Nameh (Protection) by Snatam Kaur is used in my video offering. That’s available on Apple Music + Spotify.


January Book Recommendation:

More Myself: A Journey by Alicia Keys

Meeting Date: TBD



Friday, February 4th | 5:00a - 7:30a | Zoom only

*Suggested APP: Japji for the Aquarian Age

Go with many blessings and remember who you are.

Sat Nam!