Dream | Come | True
Sounds trite but it’s true: Studio 108 is a dream come true.
I’ve been blessed by so many life experiences. All kinds of highs + lows, ups + downs, ins + outs. Many unexpected. Some undesired. But all bringing blessings and providing me with a rich tapestry of lessons and gifts.
I’ll bet you know what I mean…it happens for most of us.
So please know that after teaching at so many studios around the region for the past many years, Studio 108 is certainly a dream come true for me.
But that’s not because I’ve always dreamed of opening a yoga studio. Actually, I haven’t. I haven’t really ever wanted to open a yoga studio.
But I have always - in every circumstance of life - in every job - in every relationship - I have always wanted to live a bright and vibrant experience that has a positive impact on me and on those around me and on my community.
The dream come true is in any situation through which I’m learning + growing + sharing + shining.
The dream come true is in any relationships that has developed - and continues to develop - through forgiveness + patience + appreciation of shared humanity.
The dream come true is in any creative work that serves the community + my neighbors and friends + the world at large + you.
The dream come true happens any time I have the opportunity to listen + share + support + celebrate.
And I am confident that Studio 108 will be a space for all of these dream come true-s.
Through the work, the relationships, the creativity, the countless yet-to-be-seen situations, we will together share practices + experiences that will positively impact the me, community, my world and hopefully yours as well.
So cheers to all dreams coming true!