
Personalized Yoga Coaching for Living a Vibrant Life

The world is changing. Quickly and in multiple directions + dimensions. It’s not necessarily something we can predict or control.

Those who have it within themselves to be thought leaders, visionaries, creatives, and front runners in their chosen profession, know that right now, an up-level isn’t just helpful, it’s absolutely necessary.

 If you want to function at your fullest capacity - physically, mentally and spiritually – you need advanced technologies that specifically address today’s challenges.

Get up close and personal with your practice…

*Strategies specific to your personal needs and concerns - and your desired growth trajectory.

*Lifestyle habits + dietary considerations that serve your forward flow towards wellness.

*Personalized practices - curated and recorded just for you - for your daily {home} use.

*Check-in and up-grade sessions the allow you to maintain velocity as an ever evolving being.

Let’s face it: It’s all energy. Every object, every sound, every body, every idea, every number – it’s all energy vibrating at some kind of frequency. We know this.

We also know that alignment is the key. Align your energy to that which you want to manifest and BAM! You’ve done it! Goal smashed!!

Well, then why the struggle? Why is it so very difficult to birth the new project or manifest the goal numbers? You’re repeating your affirmation. You’re keeping a positive attitude. You’re doing your chatarunga best! Why is the progress so slow and uncertain? Why do you still worry and doubt?

Let’s consider the nature of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the home to our deeply held beliefs, habits and patterns. And that material is an energetic vibration. It’s an energetic vibration that is expressing itself even as we repeat those affirmations and put the smile on our faces for another day at the office.

The technologies of Kundalini Yoga directly address the subconscious mind: the habits, beliefs and patterns. By working with body movements and breath and sound – by waking up the endocrine system and aligning the nervous system – the technologies of Kundalini Yoga allow the subconscious mind to receive electromagnetic pulsations that disrupt the neural networks so that the mind can reorganize. Old beliefs, habits and patterns are given an opportunity to break down so that more helpful beliefs, habits and patterns can be adopted.

And that allows the new you to be expressed. The affirmation can be actualized. The new project can launch. The new confidence is embodied.

Now, you’ve manifested a VICTORY!

Experience Victory!

Experience more ease in living your daily routine

Heal from chronic stress + prior traumas

Become more creative + expressive

Nail the numbers on your vision board or projection sheet

Bring your projects full circle – task completed!

Eliminate addictions + change habits

Create a dynamic and magnetic personal presence

Cultivate a clear and focused mental projection

Gain mental capacities to claim your personal sovereignty

Elevate your attitude to supersede hurdles

Express an inner calm that allows you to anchor yourself and others

Add joy to your personal + professional posture


Connect with Tracy to schedule a free explorative conversation about your Victory!



Private means individual and private and soul-centered.

Tailored to meet your intentions and objectives.

Sessions are available in-studio and/or live via Zoom. If it best serves you, communication can take place via email, telephone or Facetime.

Your personalized video practices are filmed for you. And they are provided directly to your email inbox. You can download them. You can keep them. Forever.

It’s private. Personalized. It’s yours and yours alone.

Let’s claim your VICTORY!

“To be truly happy you must develop a consistent attitude of human life in which you can excel above time and space and use your mind at the frequency of your soul.

— Yogi Bhajan