Join guest teacher Alison Pignolet for a series of class experiences of The Roll Model® Method.
The Roll Model Method is a practice utilizing RMM therapy balls to foster internal anatomical listening skills and enhancing embodiment – or to put it simply: self-massage to help you feel better!
Therapy balls are a fantastic tool for understanding how your body works and enhancing its function. They can be incredibly soothing as well, so expect to sleep well after these workshops.
Each session will include:
self-massage sequences
a bit of anatomy instruction
gentle movement
and deep relaxation
These practices will empower you to reduce physical discomfort, prevent injuries, increase range of motion and augment whatever movement practice you enjoy.
Session 1:
Tech neck reset: Head, Neck and Shoulders
Self-massage for the Rotator Cuff, Upper back and neck muscles. Introduce a new freedom in raising your arms overhead and help realign your head on your shoulders while working out those kinks in the upper back. Finishing with the head and face before a deeply relaxing Savasana.
Session 2:
Walking (and Running) Ease: Hips, Knees, Feet and Ankles
We will massage the main muscles of the hips and the feet. From there we will trace some their interactions via the leg and knee in each step we take.
Session 3:
Breath and Bliss: Core, Lower Back, Ribs and Breath Mechanics
We will explore creating spacious, calm, resilient breath. Using both the denser rubber balls from the previous two sessions and the air filled Coregeous ball, we will massage and activate the major and accessory muscles of breathing, including those affecting the abdomen, ribs and spine.
Attend one or attend all.
Yoga Alliance CEUs available upon request.
Alison Pignolet is an E-RYT200 yoga teacher since 2010, and a Yoga Tune Up® and Roll Model® Method Teacher Trainer. Over the years she has enriched her yoga teaching with over 500 hours of additional training, primarily in anatomy (including a 6-day human dissection course with Gil Hedley) and therapeutics as well as branching out as a MovNat Level 1 trainer and a RockTape Movement Specialist.
Her yoga classes are rich with anatomy, body knowledge and functional movement. And her students learn to be skilled self-care mechanics.
Alison believes every person who lives in a body needs to create their own personal owner’s manual. Yoga Tune Up® and the Roll Model Method® teach a deeper understanding of how the body works to enable you to be your own self advocate in your movement practices.